Chuck Brodsky

Chuck Brodsky

På turné (DK): Ingen aktuelle planer
Festivaler (DK):
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Seneste album (marts 2018):
"Them and Us"

Seneste nyt

Chuck Brodsky er en af USAs fineste nulevende sangskrivere og en formidabel musikalsk historiefortæller, der med en tør og skarp (ofte sort) humor og en underliggende varme og medfølelse skildrer almindelige mennesker, der blot forsøger at komme gennem dagligdagen med lidt værdighed. Han skriver stærke, sjove og ærlige sange med enkle og iørefaldende melodier, som rammer plet hos lytteren. Og hans sange evner at få publikum til at trække på smilebåndet eller sidde med en klump i halsen - nogle gange begge dele samtidig.
Temaerne i sangene spænder bredt, fra Facebook til Holocaust, men Chuck har en særlig forkærlighed for baseball og har udgivet ikke mindre end to hele albummer med sange om en lang række af baseballverdenens farverige personer og deres historier - som selv folk uden begreb om den amerikanske nationalsport kan fascineres af. Og derudover har han udgivet ni "almindelige" studioalbummer og et dobbelt livealbum. Hans seneste udgivelse er "Them and Us" fra marts 2018.
Chuck Brodsky er meget glad for at spille i Danmark, og har bl.a. optrådt på Tønder Festival flere gange, senest i 2014.
"Chuck Brodsky is the Mark Twain of folk musicians. He is a singer, a songwriter, and an amazing musical storyteller. His riveting narratives, that range from historic baseball lore to modern Facebook foibles, are genuine, rootsy, and a little bit quirky, yet full of wit and warmth."
"Chuck Brodsky can take the everyday aspects of existence and bring them to life much the same way that John Prine, Bob Dylan, and Woody Guthrie could...knockout tales of genuine human triumphs...this is great stuff...even the ones that aren’t true sound like they must be when he gets through with them."
Good Times (Santa Cruz)
"Old fashioned story songs brimming with wit and compassion... off center, off the wall, and inclusively funny. He will appeal to everyone who likes their music with a side of thought."
New York Times
"He’s a storyteller in the grand tradition, and he’s skilled at setting those stories to appealing music. Like the most effective storytellers, Brodsky can make you laugh and pause to think at the same time."
"One of the greatest storytelling artists we know... We dig Chuck Brodsky"
Asheville Citizen-Times
"One of the finest singer-songwriters in America. There are a lot of good ones, but when it comes to the really good ones, it boils down to a select few - he's one of them."
Larry Groce, Mountain Stage (NPR)
"If the authors John Steinbeck and Flannery O'Conner had been musicians, they'd probably sound something like Chuck Brodsky"
John Sewell, Bristol Herald Courier
"What a wonderful insightful storyteller Chuck Brodsky truly is. Nobody else comes close currently...With a deceptively gentle delivery and a preposterous arsenal of warm, disarming humor laced with cunning, caustic barbs, his striking songs take aim at a variety of social and political ills...Brodsky’s unquestionably the best folk ballad songwriter currently in America - bar none."
Penguin Eggs
"Chuck Brodsky is the writer of the greatest story-songs in the world of music. His songs have inspired movies, brought fans to tears and left people with a smile on their faces."
Red Dragon, Baton Rouge LA
"If Mark Twain were reincarnated as a musician, his name might be Chuck Brodsky"
Florida Today
"Before you know it, you got them chills running down the back of your neck. Maybe even a lump in your throat. He’s that good."
The Glass Eye (Lansing, MI)
"As much at home with comedy as tragedy, his story songs carry the full payload of a mature observer of human experience – irony, tenderness, bitter satire, surprise and delight, modern frustrations, a sense of danger and of longing. Conveying all of this with a catchy melody, a chalky baritone and a journeyman’s skill on the guitar."